How to access the food bank

For individuals and families

If you live in the postcode area BN3 6**, BN3 7** or BN3 8**, and you are struggling to afford to feed yourself and/or your family you can be referred to the food bank.  Referrals can be made by someone from a local or city-wide agency like a school, your doctor, or a community group or service. We do not accept self-referrals.


When the referral has been received, it is reviewed by the food bank co-ordinator to make sure it meets our criteria. Once your referral is accepted, you can visit the food bank six times – one visit every week for 6 weeks The food parcels which individuals and families receive are dependent on the size of the household being referred.

There is no charge for the food, but it is given on the understanding that it is not resold or redistributed. A referral is valid only for those in the household listed. If two adults are living in a property but not sharing living costs, or their situations are very different, individual referrals may be required.

We will try to fulfil dietary requirements where possible. However, please note that food is almost entirely donated from local schools, churches, businesses, individuals and organisations so this may not always be possible. However, you can choose what you do or do not want to take.

We ask everyone who attends the food bank to read and agree to our terms of service, which include sharing information with necessary and relevant parties including referrers. Note also that your referral can be subject to an authenticity check at any time.

For referrers

Our aim is to provide emergency food parcels to individuals and families living in the postcode areas of BN3 6**, BN3 7** or BN3 8**, who find themselves in crisis or emergency situations. We are designed to be used on a short-term basis and not for indefinite long-term support. As a referrer, you are key to identifying those who are in crisis and supporting them to access emergency food parcels.

You will be required to complete a referral form either with or on behalf of a client, but you must first ensure that you have the client’s consent to disclose their details. When completing the form you should include as much information as possible about the client’s situation and financial need so that we can best support them with signposting and information. We may get in touch with you for further information if necessary.

You can access the referral form here, or by scanning QR code to the right.

We need a completed referral form for every client.

If you have any questions regarding the form, please feel free to contact us.

Please note: Our co-ordinator only works on Tuesday 14:30-17:30, Wednesday 9:00-14:30 and Thursday 11:00-15:00 and is not available outside these hours. Please ask your client to call, text or email us on Tuesday or Thursday during these times to arrange a time on Wednesday to collect their food parcel in person.